
Apr 1, 2022
Oro Valley announces contest to name
202-acre Vistoso outdoor space
The Conservation Fund will transfer the Vistoso property to the Town of Oro Valley in July. We have called it the Vistoso Nature Preserve for many months, but the Town of Oro Valley wants to officially provide a name for the property. Below is an announcement about an exciting contest for the community to name the property. Let’s demonstrate our continuing commitment to our new nature preserve and participate in this contest!
The Town of Oro Valley is excited to announce a contest to name the soon-to-be acquired 202-acre outdoor space, formerly known as the Golf Club At Vistoso. Thanks to a community effort, this property will be preserved as passive recreational space in perpetuity for all to enjoy. Now, the Town needs your help with naming the property, so we’re kicking off Name OV’s New 202-Acre Outdoor Space!—a contest that includes two rounds of public participation and a prize package valued at more than $1,700. CONTEST PROCESS In Round One of Name OV’s New 202-Acre Outdoor Space!, members of the public are called to submit their name idea(s) via online form by clicking on the link below the Contest Rules section. Participation is free and open to anyone—you do not have to be a resident of Oro Valley. Submissions are accepted now through 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, April 17, 2022. See additional Round One details and rules below. When Round One closes, a five-member committee will review all submissions and narrow down the list to the top 10 names. The committee includes one representative from each of the following groups: Oro Valley Town Council, Oro Valley Town Staff, Youth Advisory Council, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, Preserve Vistoso. In Round Two, the top 10 names, as determined by the five-member committee, will be made public and put to a vote. Voting will be limited to residents of Oro Valley, who will be able to vote online for up to three of the top 10 options. Voting is tentatively scheduled to open the first week of May, and will be announced by press release and social media. The top finalists, as determined by public vote, will then be put forth to Oro Valley Town Council at a future Council meeting for final selection. To eliminate bias, the names of the individuals who submit entries will not be made public until Round Two voting ends and the finalists have been identified for Council consideration. The individual who first submits the winning name will be publicly recognized and will receive a prize package from the Town (details below). If more than one person submits the same (or similar) name, submissions will be chronologically date stamped so that the person who submitted the name first will receive credit. The winner will be invited to participate in the official ribbon cutting ceremony and photo op of the new property later this year.
The winner of Name OV’s New 202-Acre Outdoor Space! will receive all of the following items, a total value of more than $1,700.
· One year Premium Family Membership to the Oro Valley Community and Recreation Center, which also includes access to the Oro Valley Aquatic Center ($1,200 value)
· Kickball Team entry, Fall 2022 ($350 value)
· Round-Up at the Ranch 5K, four entries ($100 value)
· Park Ramada Rental (4 hours) at Naranja, Riverfront or James D. Kriegh Park ($40 value)
· Assorted OV-branded merchandise
Round One: Call for submissions
· Submissions cannot contain copyrighted or trademarked names or phrases.
· Any language deemed offensive or inappropriate (determination to be made at the Town’s discretion) will be immediately disregarded.
· The participant’s name and contact information is required for submission.
· You do not need to be an Oro Valley resident to submit a name.
· The submitter’s name and contact information are required for submission.
· Submissions must be received by 11:59 p.m. PST on Sunday, April 17, 2022.
· Participants will claim no right to the name provided and agree to let the Town of Oro Valley use all or part of their submission idea for the naming process, final property name and related signage and promotion in Town communications.
Round Two: Vote on the top 10
· Voting will be conducted online only via survey link. This link will be posted to the Town’s website and social media for the duration of the voting period.
· Voters may select up to three (3) of the top 10 names.
· Voting is restricted to Oro Valley residents.
· The voter’s name and address are required for residency verification.
· Voting is tentatively scheduled to open the first week of May.
To submit your Round One ideas, click here to access the online submission form.
The Town of Oro Valley has created a new web page that provides information on the property and updates from The Conservation Fund (TCF) during this period of transition. As part of the Settlement Agreement for the former Vistoso Golf Course purchase, TCF will maintain ownership of the property until it is transferred to the Town of Oro Valley later this year. TCF has contracted with a landscaping company to start initial site clean-up and remediation. Click here to visit the web page or go to and search for VISTOSO.
The Town of Oro Valley has been actively engaged in finding a workable solution for the future of the former Vistoso Course since June 2020, when the Town Council voted to direct the Town Manager to work with The Conservation Fund (TCF) and Romspen Vistoso LLC (Romspen) on the potential preservation of the property. After TCF and Romspen were initially unable to come to terms, the Council voted in November 2020 to direct the Town Manager and Town Attorney to initiate communications with Romspen and any other third parties to negotiate the sale of the portion zoned open space for fair market value on or before April 1, 2021. After lengthy negotiations with Romspen, the revival of TCF’s participation, securing a developer for the 6.3-acre former clubhouse parcel and generous contributions by area residents to TCF for the purchase, the Town of Oro Valley released the Settlement Agreement that served as the foundation for the purchase in a February 17, 2022, press release. What ultimately resulted was 202 acres of land that will be open to the public and preserved in perpetuity for passive recreational activities such as walking, biking and birding.